Special Offers

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Unlock Exclusive Deals for Your Dream Boracay Stay.

Discover unbeatable offers at Boracay Newcoast’s premier hotels. Enjoy special discounts, complimentary amenities, and unique packages designed to make your stay unforgettable. Whether you’re planning a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a solo adventure, our exclusive deals provide the perfect opportunity to experience luxury and comfort in paradise. Book now and take advantage of these limited-time offers!
savoy hotel

Dine Under The Stars

Surprise your loved ones with a magical dinner by the beach. Enjoy an enchanting setup with fairy lights and a delectable menu.

Belmont Hotel

Family Getaway

Designed for families, this package offers spacious accommodations and a range of family-friendly activities.

savoy hotel

Live in Sunshine

Indulge in luxury at Savoy Hotel Boracay. This offer aims to provide an unforgettable stay with exclusive amenities and services.


Book Your Luxurious Getaway in Paradise.

+63 917 828 4663

+63 917 867 2515